- Aeroponic chamber
- Microprocessor control - digital Timer
- Adjustable intervals & durations
- Grow vegetables / flowers / trees and more
- Ultra solution processing
- 50 micron water droplet
- Single or multiple per support
- Large capacity 3.5 gal solution reservoir
- Black finish to increase solar gain
- Automated - standalone operation
- NEW Expandable ( up to 5 additional A-frames)
- 100 psi nutrient solution delivery
- Germination accessories
- Includes nutrients, progaation agent and
BEYOND Plant Health Booster & Manual
Capacity Unit - Improved
Designed for the volume producer. Germinate seeds
and/or propagate hundreds of plants at once.
Perfect for greenhouse
or indoor crop production. Compact
footprint to maximize your plant production area,
occupies only 1.62 sq. ft. Companion plantings.
Precision control of the hydro-atomized
spray jets and nutrient delivery. Reuse all
nutrients. Easy to maintain and operate. Programmable digital
timer. No computer required.
High Capacity Unit
- A frame design
- 126 plant supports
Horizontal Unit
Same features as above
36 plant supports
Propagation / Germination |
Rapid volume production |

High Efficiency Light Arrays
- High efficiency lighting
- Energy Efficient Bias Bulb
- 160-watt Output
- UV & Infrared filtration
- Compact design
- Air Cooled
- 20,000 hours bulb life
- Wide angle - adjustable
- Separate Transformer
- 24 hour operation
- Low heat factor
- Highly reflective
- Easy to installs
- Size: 24" L x 20" W x 8" H
Compact Light Array
Butterfly design

Single Compact Light Array
