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NASA sponsored and funded alternative products for agriculture
Benchtop DAQ Module
Benchtop Data Acquisition (DAQ) Module for 14-bit analog to digital conversion of leaf moisture for precise measurement and irrigation control. Perfect for laboratory and research. Trending v1.4 software included.
Leaf Sensor and Wireless Device Cloud Package
Leaf Sensor Wireless Device Cloud package. Wireless data transmission to the cloud for leaf sensor moisture readings - solar powered. Ready to use. Includes Leaf Sensor, Base Station, Remote Wireless Node and one-year free Device Cloud access.
Aeroponic GS Unit w/Light Array
The original aeroponic system with closed-loop reservoir, hi-psi pump, micro-filtration, germination accessories & more!
Finally an alternative - shop for alternative aeroponic products and beyond
Product Groups - click to BUY online
Aeroponic products for Research, Commercial, Education, Hobby Growing including aeroponic units, systems, components, hardware, tanks and spray misting jets including biocontrols and natural nitrogen.
Aeroponic Technology
NEW PRODUCT Cloud ready Geo-bots for sensor data transmission of temperature, humidity, soil moisture and leaf turgidity to a Smartphone and PC. Outdoor 9 miles / Indoor
Geo-Bots & Sensors
Germination accessories for aeroponic sprouting and growing seeds.Including Seed Pads, SeedNets, SeedPads along with amendments to enhance and elicit faster germination and seed vitality. Perfect for hydroponics and soil grown plants as well.
Germination Accessories
Know when to water using Leaf Sensor hardware and software. Precision monitoring and control plant moisture levels and turgor pressue in plant real-time. Low voltage sensors using AgriHouse's 14-bit ADC modules with trending software.
Leaf Sensor & DAQ
NEXGen NASA Light Arrays with the highest photosynthetic output available. BETTER than LED. Low wattage light provide a full spectrum. Promotes grow and health of all plants. Inhibits insect infestation. Out performs LEDs!
NEXGen NASA Light | Down to Earth NASA sponsored a& funded eco-friendly organic solutions that really work. Non-toxic safe biocontrols - BEYOND All Natural Plant Reduces environmental stress. Natural source of nitrogen.
Plant Amendments
Aeroponic reference on CD-ROMs showing how-to-steps, schematics, ODC, propagation, cloning, germination & other aeroponic growing methods, NASA developed aeroponic technologies, techniques and more! Now available our newly updated Aeroponic Encyclopedia.
Reference CD-ROMs
Consulting Services - all phases agriucultural systems, aeroponics, natural growing. Mr. Richard Stoner, expert, inventor, and corporate founder is available to consult with you and your organization on closed-loop system integration and sustainability.
Services - Consulting
Aeroponic equipment and components including pumps, fittings, spray jets.


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